The Team behind Horseathlon®

Andréa Kirchhofer



“The versatile work with the horses for Horseathlon gives my horses more confidence and courage. They become more beautiful and wonderful to ride. I enjoy every minute with them and am grateful to have such great companions.”

Amélie Louis



Primary school teacher, equine shiatsu practitioner, Horseathlon® C trainer

“For me, this concept offers a vision of working with our horses that’s diverse, motivating and respectful of our 4-legged companions. It adapts to each individual, rider and horse. I love to see the horses’ pleasure in learning and their satisfaction in doing well.”

Mirjam Dill

Vice president


Equine specialist EFZ, Horseathlon®Trainer C, primary school teacher with MAS in therapeutic pedagogy,

“The most beautiful thing for me about being with the horses is to meet them where it is completely quiet and no thoughts of yesterday or tomorrow can cloud the perception. ”

Sandra Louis 



Head of administration


“The great pleasure for me and Nézis: taking our time on our walks to observe nature and people, and enjoying these moments of contemplation together”.

Helmut Piller


Fitnessinstructor, Horseathlon®Trainer B, Trainer B ASEL

“Watch your thoughts, for they become your words.
Watch your words, for they become your actions.
Watch your actions, for they become your habits.
Watch your habits, for they become your character.
Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.”

Cindy Donzallaz

Head of Media Communications

Demian Schmid-Mollet


Responsible for Social-Media, photography / Illustration

“When your horse follows you without being asked, when he rubs his head on yours, and when you look at him and feel a tingle down your spine…you know you are loved.”

John Lyons