What does Membership mean?

A Horseathlon®member supports the Horseathlon®idea, benefits from various offers and pays a membership fee. Horseathlon®members have no voting rights.

What do I pay and who do I support?

Horseathlon® does not pursue commercial goals and is open to all riding styles that benefit the horse. As a Horseathlon®member you are on the side of the horses and support their welfare. Free courses and working through the levels on your own give you the opportunity to educate yourself and acquire knowledge even with little financial means. The Horseathlon®Team works on a voluntary basis.

How much is the membership fee?

The Horseathlon® membership fee in Switzerland is CHF 70.-, abroad 20.-Euro per year. Membership fee for young people up to 18 CHF 30.- .

Why does membership cost less abroad?

Members from Switzerland have the opportunity to attend two theory courses worth CHF 340.- per year free of charge. For international members, attending such free courses is usually not possible for geographical reasons. However, members from abroad who wish to make a longer journey are of course also able to attend the free courses; in this case they too must pay the amount of CHF 70.


What are the advantages?

You will get to know your horse and make progress together with him. You will find like-minded people who want to spend their free time with the horse with the same attitude, motivation and joy. You will receive ideas and input for your work with the horse. As a Horseathlon® member, you also benefit from educational and exciting free courses worth CHF 340 per year. And most importantly, you gain a motivated and healthy horse as your partner.

How can I participate in the Horseathlon® training concept and how do I become a member?

It’s very simple: fill out the membership application and send it to the Horseathlon® administration.